viernes, 3 de octubre de 2014


Last weekend we were hiking in the region of Steiermark :)
We were in Hochschwab, the highest Mountain of this mountain range with 2277 m.

It started with a cloudy Saturday and a big group of people....

The mountain seems like the city sometimes...

We did a 2,5 h tour and slept in the Voisthaler Hütte:

Since we were sleeping on the roof, we needed to get warm somehow...

And next day we start the next 2,5 hours hiking to the summit. It was a very nice way the whole time and the weather was marvelous:

We almost could see Amstetten :P

And the summit was waiting for us with a little bit of snow...

Totes Gebirge

It was a very funny weekend! 
Let's see if the weather remains like this a little bit more :)

Have fun!!!

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